To the people of Fulton

by Contributor | April 21, 2019 7:25 pm

To The Editor:

There have recently been questions posed in regard to my petitions being invalidated at the BOE. I am very grateful for the Republican and Conservative committee members for honoring me with a chance to enter the primary.

However, when I filled out my petitions there were a few unusual circumstances that my opponent challenged.

This caused me to not have enough signatures such as the following:

1: In one case my witness for the conservative petitions, that walked with me, was never clocked into the board of elections and we are not sure why that happened.

2: The Republican petitions that were challenged ended up invalidating some signatures. This left me 2 signatures short. Unfortunately, the list I had been going off of was an old voters’ list. One person was actually on the Democratic list. The other reason was instead of “Meadowbrook circle” the person put “Meadowbrook center”. This simple error in the person’s writing their address caused their signature to be invalid.

I would like the public to know that I was never going to challenge anyone’s petitions.

I am curious about whether every single person on my opponents’ petitions spelled their address perfectly, but that will never be known at this point.

I feel we should all give the people of Fulton a voice in the elections. By limiting the candidates you’re quite literally limiting the voices we are fighting for.

However, rules are rules and I did not have the numbers I needed.

At the end of the day as it stands right now I am the longest running candidate in this race.

I am the only candidate to be at every council meeting, ward meeting, deliberation room meeting and all over the city at events that benefit our locals.

I love meeting and greeting everyone I possibly can to form partnerships and friendships with everyone.

My end goal is to show the people of this wonderful city we are all in this together and it is up to us to make Fulton into the town we want it to be in the future.

I will not be taking the challenges to court because that’s not the man I am.

I believe in honor. I believe in this city and all of the people living here. With all my heart and soul I want to dedicate the rest of my life to this city.

I would like the public to also know I have secured a business that wishes to come to Fulton and employ 60 to 100 people. I am still ironing out the details with them. I can’t release their name, for obvious reasons, as of yet.

I have also been working on projects that will create ways for our city to generate revenue. Once we start rejuvenating our economy we will be able to fund our own projects, in addition to seeking state grants.

We will have to work together and make these things happen.

I am currently seeking signatures on the Independent Party line to try to give the people of Fulton more choices in their election. The future of Fulton is my passion and I believe we all can work together to create it.

Thank you to everyone for their continued support. I look forward to the opportunity to share my vision with all of you.

~Ethan Parkhurst missing or outdated ad config

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