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Budget Proposals Bring Us Closer to Finish Line with Positives for the Region

We are in the closing days before the state’s budget deadline and in many ways we have moved closer to a final budget. My goal in working with my colleagues is to reprioritize limited revenue, include real positive ideas for our state’s future, and show fiscal restraint and responsibility, so that the final product is a budget for which I can vote “Yes.” […]

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Letters to the Editor

Why Literacy Matters

I challenge EACH one of us to “Step Out on Nothing” and make a difference to: a child, a parent, an employee or co-worker, a client accessing the government or human service we provide, a family member, friend, neighbor, or fellow churchgoer. […]

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County Looks at Tax Options for Nuclear Plants

For many years I have heard people talking about the taxes paid by our nuclear plants. Many have asked what is happening now that the plants’ tax agreements are getting close to the end. So I thought I’d give everyone an update, and write about the pros and cons of placing the plants on the tax rolls, versus entering into a tax agreement with the plants’ owners. […]

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Closure of Fort Ontario: A Bad Idea

In an effort to close the state budget gap, the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historical Preservation (OPRHP) recommended closing 57 state parks and historic sites late last week. Unfortunately, included among that list was Fort Ontario. Closing the historic site in the heart of the City of Oswego is a terrible idea. Closure will hinder the region’s ability to attract tourists and stifle education. […]