OSWEGO—The 8th Annual “Out Run Autism” has gone Irish this year with a new date, new look, but same worthy cause. Bundle up for an early 5k walk/run on Saturday, March 4, as this year’s event kicks off a day of community fun the morning of the Oswego St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Parade.
“The date change is something we hope will drive participation up as so many will already be planning a day of community fun with the parade later that day that the Oswego Hibernians host,” noted Race Director, Julie Chetney,
With the same route as years past, beginning and ending at The Press Box, 29 East First Street, the 5k will benefit the Oswego County Autism Task Force and scholarships for Oswego County students on the Autism spectrum.
The run/walk will take participants through Oswego’s East side, scenic Fort Ontario area beginning at 9:00 a.m. on March 4. Also new this year is a team option.
“Anyone looking to sign up a team will receive a generous discount on their registration as will all members of teams with more than five participants,” Chetney added.
The Oswego County Autism Task Force who provides Autism Awareness and creates possibilities for those touched by Autism Spectrum Disorder in Oswego County.
Registration is open until March 3 at noon with early bird pricing ending February 13, 2023. Visit www.raceroster.com
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