OSWEGO – SUNY Oswego’s Rice Creek Field Station invites applications from current and former pre-K–12 educators to serve as instructors for “Exploring Nature,” a two-week educational summer day camp.
Unfolding in July, “Exploring Nature” encourages young people’s curiosity about their world through habitat exploration, nature walks, learning games, and hands-on science and creative activities, and is open to children and young adults ages 5 to 16.
The program takes place at Rice Creek Field Station, a 350-acre natural area with five miles of trails skirting forests, fields, ponds and streams, plus a state-of-the-art facility located on Thompson Road in Oswego.
Instructors should have an interest or experience in nature and environmental education. Some natural history knowledge is desired but not required, as training is available for instructors. Experience working at or attending a summer camp is likewise helpful but not required.
The 2022 edition of “Exploring Nature” will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, July 11 to 15 and July 18 to 22. Although free before- and after-care is offered to participants, instructors are only obligated to attend the program during regular hours. Competitive wages are offered to compensate instructors’ time.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until positions are filled. For priority consideration, please apply by May 25, 2022. To apply, please send a cover letter detailing interest and related experience, along with contact information for two professional references, to Kristen Haynes, the Director of Exploring Nature, at [email protected]. Questions can also be sent to this same email address.
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