Cayuga Naturally Photo Contest Winners Unveiled

Third place: Joe Carey, Syracuse NY Bumble Bee & Buttonbush, Sterling Nature Center

STERLING, NY – The winning entries of the Cayuga Naturally Photograph contest were revealed October 16 at the Sterling Nature Center.

Cayuga County is a diverse and wonderful place filled with nature’s best from the shore of Lake Ontario into the heart of the Finger Lakes. Seventeen photographers captured their favorite flora, fauna and places for hiking, canoeing, fishing, hunting and wildlife watching in the forty-eight photographs submitted to the 2021 Cayuga Naturally Photograph Contest.

The photographs depict the beauty of the streams, lakes, trees, wildflowers, birds, animals and other aspects of nature found in Cayuga County.

The photographs from the 2021 Cayuga Naturally Photograph Contest are now on exhibit at the Sterling Nature Center. They will remain on exhibit into 2022. From the entries submitted the judges selected two-first place,one-second place, three-third place and ten honorable mentions.

The photographs will be on display at the Sterling Nature Center in the interpretive building.

The 1428-acre Sterling Nature Center is part of the Cayuga County Parks & Trail Department and is located in northern Cayuga County on Jensvold Rd just past the Sterling Renaissance Festival. The trail system is open from dawn to dusk every day of the year. For more information call 315-947-6143, find us on Facebook or look on the web at

The Sterling Nature Center’s
2021 Cayuga Naturally Photograph Contest results

Award Artist, From Photograph Title, Location

1st Place
Daniel Boocchino, Liverpool, NY The Simple Things…, Sterling Nature Center
Stefanie Obkirchner, Amsterdam, NY Moon Sentinel, Sterling Nature Center

2nd Place
Susan DiCriscio, Oswego, NY Eastern Meadowlark, Sterling

3rd Place
Eric Weaver, Fulton Cardinal, Sterling Nature Center
Joe Carey, Syracuse NY Bumble Bee & Buttonbush, Sterling Nature Center
Nicholas Sliter, Red Creek Serpent’s Pass, Sterling Nature Center

Honorable Mention
Linda Dugan, Alden NY Swans on a Shimmering Morning, Cayuga Lake
Susan DiCriscio, Oswego, NY Yellow Warbler, Sterling Nature Center
Carrie Bush, N. Syracuse, NY Napkin Please, Sterling Nature Center
Joe Carey, Syracuse NY Blue Dasher, Sterling Nature Center
Carrie Bush, N. Syracuse, NY Tranquility, Sterling Nature Center
Robert Harrold, Oswego NY Woodpecker Art, Sterling Nature Center
Anne Pagano, Oswego, NY Foggy Rookery, Sterling Nature Center
Linda Dugan, Alden NY In for a Landing, Aurora, NY
Stefanie Obkirchner, Amsterdam, NY Goodnight Rookery, Sterling Nature Center
Joe Carey, Syracuse NY Green Heron, Sterling Nature Center

Exploration, discovery, inspiration, learning and tranquility await you in nature, go take a hike!

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