Linda Eagan Speaks At Fulton Sunrise Rotary Meeting

Photo of Linda Eagan provided by Fulton Sunrise Rotary.

FULTON – Linda Eagan spoke to the Fulton Sunrise Rotary recently about the challenges and success of Fulton Block Builders during 2020.

When COVID-19 required the closing of businesses and social events in early 2020 Linda thought FBB should stop fundraising to avoid putting a financial strain on the local economy. However, the generosity and commitment within the community proved her worries unnecessary and the program flourished despite social distancing and tough times.

The 2020 program assisted 204 property owners in sprucing up and repairing their homes. Folks found creative ways to strengthen their neighborhood relationships and foster community pride despite social distancing. Since the inception of Fulton Block Builders four years ago, 800 Fulton properties have been improved and a combined total of $2,000,000 invested in local homes.

The 2021 FBB program is well underway, and the enthusiasm is as strong as ever. Several members of Fulton Sunrise Rotary noted that they, family members, or friends have participated in this revitalizing program. All proudly noted that it brought residents closer together, and has inspired them to continue beautifying their homes.

For more information on FBB check them out on or Facebook.

Fulton Sunrise Rotary meets on Friday morning at 7 a.m. via Zoom. For information contact Peg Donnelly at (315) 593-3746. You may also visit us on Facebook.

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