Rotary Learns About Advertising, Public Relations

OSWEGO, NY – On Thursday, John DeRousie told the members of the Oswego Sunrise Rotary about some of the secrets of advertising.

John runs his own company, Custom Marketing Solutions.

He first challenged some long established misinformation that the best form of advertising is person to person.

John DeRousie and Rotary President Michelle McGrath.
John DeRousie and Rotary President Michelle McGrath.

While that may be true in some cases, it depends on what your product is and who your target audience is, he said.

The basic rules are who. what, where, when and why.

Who are your customers?  When should you use social media such as web pages and Facebook or other forms depends on those you are seeking to reach.

Where are your customers located?  When is the best time to sell your product?

One of the biggest times for sales is the back to school time.

A well designed campaign will help improve the sale of your product, he said.

John works with both profit and non-profit programs. missing or outdated ad config

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