Erin’s Angels Linda Bulgrien Wins CNY Business Journal’s Volunteer Of The Year Award

CNYBJ Volunteer of the Year Award recipient Linda Bulgrien. Photo provided by Erin's Angels.
PHOENIX – Sheila Dion, founder and Director of Erin’s Angels of CNY, announced that Linda Bulgrien of Phoenix, has been named the Central New York Business Journal’s Volunteer of the Year for 2023.
“Linda is an example of what volunteering is all about. She shares her talent of organization and planning and, by doing so, helps feed over 120 students every single weekend throughout the school year,” Dion said.
For the past 6 years, Linda has coordinated the menu and done all the ordering of food for the students in the Phoenix Central School District. She works directly with the Food Bank of CNY to coordinate necessary pickups to get food back to the school so that the volunteers can pack the bags. Over the course of the past 6 years, she has transported over twenty-four thousand pounds of food!
While Linda’s work officially happens just twice a month, she spends countless hours planning the menus, finding the food at various suppliers, and maintaining meticulous records.
“We are blessed with great volunteers like Linda Bulgrien whose commitment to serving those in need truly exemplifies how love changes lives,” Dion said. “We are grateful to Linda for helping Erin’s Angels of CNY fulfill our mission to not let hunger get in the way of a child’s education.
The CNYBJ Volunteer of the Year Award, given annually, is granted to an individual whose community service has made a positive impact within the nonprofit organizations that they serve.

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