FCSD BOE Discusses Learning Opportunities For Students

Image from FCSD Communications YouTube channel.

FULTON – The Fulton City School District Board of Education met last night, Tuesday, May 24, when it discussed learning opportunities for students, including summer programs.

During the superintendent’s report, the district-wide safety plan was reviewed. Dominick Lisi, chief of operations and innovation, shared that while there have been a few revisions, the plan from last year is essentially intact.

He reviewed a roadmap of the safety plan, saying it is broken up in four separate sections: general considerations and planning guidelines, risk reduction/prevention and intervention, response, and recovery.

There will be a safety plan public forum on June 14 prior to the BOE meeting. The safety plan can be viewed here.

Geri Geitner, director of human resources and student services, then reviewed the district’s 2022 summer learning programs and how students can take part.

“We are offering summer program opportunities for all students entering K through 12 in various forms,” Geitner said.

For students entering grades K-4, the Bridges to Success program is available. This program is a summer camp style learning experience to help address learning gaps caused by the pandemic, building school readiness skills and providing opportunities for social interactions with peers and adults in a school setting.

This program will be located at Granby Elementary School. The academic portion is a half day – morning session is from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and afternoon is from 12:30 to 3 p.m. Through a collaboration with Oswego County Opportunities, an additional enrichment option is available for a full day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. However, spots are limited.

Those interested can contact the coordinators with questions – Mrs. Gates (grades K-2) [email protected] and Mrs. Sheldon (grades 3-4) [email protected].

Registration is available on the link provided here. The site does say registration ended May 9, but there are still opportunities available.

For students entering grades 5 through 8, the district has the FCSD Community School Summer Program available with project-based learning in ELA, social studies, math, science and social skills. In addition, community partners provide enrichment, guest speakers, and a connection to many opportunities available in the community.

This program runs from 9:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at G. Ray Bodley High School. Questions may be directed to Mrs. Yacavone [email protected].

For students entering grades 9 through 12, the GRB Summer Institute is available with a variety of hands-on activities in many areas. The goals of the Institute are to engage students in high-interest activities that require them to collaborate and to share their many talents and skills in high-interest activities.

High schoolers also have the option to take part in GRB Academic Recovery, a program offering students an opportunity to reengage in the learning process and earn necessary graduation credits in classes in which they were not successful throughout the 2021 – 2022 school year.

These programs also run from 9:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at G. Ray Bodley High School. Questions may be directed to Mr. Cuny [email protected]. Registration and program information for the Institute was made available to students this week and registration will be made available once grades are released.

“All of [the programs] are free. All of our students who are enrolled in the district, we provide transportation and we provide breakfast and lunch to all of the students who participate,” Geitner said. “Our Bridges to Success program is possible because… our application for a competitive grant was selected.”

Superintendent Brian Pulvino then discussed the FCSD Innovation Video 2022.

Lisi said this video shows the ongoing progress the district has been making and the opportunities available for students. Student Representative Reagan LaPage recommended the district to show the video to the junior high students so they can be aware of program opportunities. The board discussed presenting information about various career path programs to students and their families.

The board then briefly discussed the financial summary for the month of April and a state level bill regarding small city school district debt limits to be voted on during the next general election.

Following the superintendent’s report, all items on the agenda were approved.

The board also welcomed new administrators Kelly Gates as the new director of childhood education, William Mecum as the new Fairgrieve Elementary principal, and Daniel Sherman as the new director of instructional technology and data.

Last night’s BOE meeting can be viewed in full here.

The next BOE meeting will be held Tuesday, June 14 at 6:30 p.m. either in person in the library at G. Ray Bodley High School or viewed live on Fulton Communications YouTube channel.

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