FULTON – Local freelance author, Jeff Rea, recently spoke to the Fulton Sunrise Rotary about the history behind the Richard S. Shineman Foundation.
His recently released book, “The Shineman Legacy: The Founder Speaks” tells the unlikely and fairytale story of Richard and Barbara Shineman. It is the product of extensive research including numerous interviews with Barbara who, at 93, still lives independently and asked Rea to tell their story.
While Barbara grew up poor, Richard grew up wealthy. He was a long-time bachelor, dedicated to his career, an active Rotarian, and committed to philanthropic endeavors. She married at a young age, had children, and was widowed early. Both were committed to higher education. They met by chance in church and soon afterward their nearly 40-year love story began. They lived in Oswego and taught at SUNY Oswego.
While they enjoyed a comfortable life, they were also humble. They continually contributed to the betterment of the Oswego area. Before Richard passed away, he told Barbara about his dream to create a charitable foundation to serve the community they care about so deeply. The answer to that dream was brought to fruition when he decided to donate $22 million to establish the foundation.
While well-known within the Oswego community few knew of his vast family fortune which had its beginning two generations earlier in the Beech-Nut company. The Richard S. Shineman Foundation has invested millions of dollars into the Oswego area since it was formally established in 2012.
It is a self-sustaining foundation as it only distributes interest from the original investment. The Foundation’s first major grant was $5 million to SUNY Oswego. $4 million of that grant was used to establish the Richard S. Shineman Center for Science, Engineering, and Innovation.
Richard’s philosophy of life and wealth were simple and clearly stated in his words: “You come into this life with nothing and you go out of this life with nothing, why don’t you just spend your money and get things done?”
Rea’s book is available at Rivers End Bookstore and from several online book sellers. All profits from book sales will benefit the Richard S. Shineman Foundation.
For information about Fulton Sunrise Rotary contact membership chair Patrick Waite at (315) 439-1491
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