OSWEGO – Globally, one in three women experience physical or sexual violence mostly by an intimate partner. Violence against women and girls is one of the most pervasive human rights violations. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, evidence has shown that all types of gender-based violence, particularly domestic violence, has escalated.
In Oswego County alone, there were 244 female victim and 74 male victim reports of intimate partner domestic violence in 2020, according to NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services Uniform Reporting System (as of 6/14/21). Enough is enough. Women cannot, and should not have to, fight for safety from violence. We need to unite communities in the global appeal to all governments to end violence against women once and for all.

The Zonta Club of Oswego – a member of Zonta International, a leading global organization of more than 26,000 members worldwide dedicated to building a better world for women and girls, is participating in 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. Initiated in 1991 by the Women’s Global Leadership Institute, this annual global campaign begins on November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) and ends on December 10 (International Human Rights Day). The campaign is aimed at raising awareness about gender-based violence (GBV) and promoting actions to prevent and eliminate it.
Take Action
The Zonta Club of Oswego urges you to make positive changes in our community. Some suggestions are:
Participate in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign from November 25 through December 10 – follow Zonta Club of Oswego on Facebook and Instagram to learn more or check out zontasaysno.com
Join a book club discussion of No Visible Bruises: What we don’t know about domestic violence can kill us by Rachel Louise Snyder at 7 p.m. Wednesday, December 11 at Rivers End Bookstore. OCO, Inc. Services to Aid Families will co-facilitate the discussion and share information & resources in our local community. Learn more about the book here!
Support and donate to local organizations such as Oswego County Opportunities, Inc. Services to Aid Families
Donate to Zonta International’s International Service Program at https://www.zonta.org/
Educate yourself and others. Read more about how child marriage is a violation of human rights from the child marriage data report from UNICEF at https://data.unicef.org/topic/child-protection/child-marriage/
“Orange the World” with us and shine a light on gender-based violence by placing an orange light on your front porch or place of business now through December 10.
If you take a walk along the Riverwalk in Oswego, Mayor Robert A. Corradino and the City of the City have turned the lights orange on the bridge and the waterfall as a stand against gender-based violence. Pathfinder Bank has also gone orange in support! You will see a number of “orange ladies” throughout the community in support of the campaign with additional information and resources. Community members are encouraged to take photos with the orange ladies on social media, tag @ZontaClubofOswego.
Zonta International is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. More than 27,000 women and men in 1,133 Zonta clubs in 64 countries work together to make gender equality a worldwide reality for women and girls. Since 1923, Zonta International has provided more than US$51 million to build a better world for women and girls by expanding their access to education, health care, economic opportunities and safe living conditions. Learn more at zonta.org!
Violence against women is a complex issue and is perpetrated in many ways. We cannot solve this issue alone, so please join us in saying NO.
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