Wednesday Briefing: To Cap Or Not; Airline Felines; Junior Stogies

Today’s briefing is an example of government in action, or government inaction. Your choice.

Top story: Tax cap

A commission says there needs to be a whole bunch of reforms in the area of funding for schools through property taxes. Never mind all that, says Gov. Paterson, who’s picking just the top recommendation. He wants a cap on property tax hikes at 4% and is willing to call a special session of the Legislature to get it.

Teacher unions are against it, naturally. So is the state’s school administrators’ group.

But how, you ask, could your local state legislator be against something that could provide relief to everyone who pays property taxes….and votes? Easy.


The Gov. gets a new suit to wear with his tax cap. He’s being sued over the gay marriage recognition order.

Attorney General Andrew Cuomo wins a settlement in the mortgage financing mess.

A big foreign company wants to make power from wind Upstate. No truth to the rumor that their first two windmills would be on the floors of the State Senate and Assembly.

The state’s taking up the fight against diabetes.

The Senate and Assembly approve bills giving you much more access to government documents. (And now I feel awful for picking on them two items ago…)

Apropos of not-very-much:

The fire at the F. X. Matt Brewery in Utica began with a welder’s torch.

A big problem at JFK Airport? No, not on-time arrivals, lost luggage or the absurd amount of time you spend in line just to get on the plane. No, it’s feral cats.

Here’s one way to beat high gas prices that’s growing quickly.

And finally:

A child’s in rehab in China, to break his addiction to his father’s cigars.

What did we miss? Drop it in the comments below. Smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em (and can afford ’em) (and you’re not 4 years old) and we’ll see you tomorrow. missing or outdated ad config

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