Letter To The Editor: Here We Go Again!

*All submissions are posted in their original format

To the editor: Frank Castiglia

Here we go again!

If at first or second you don’t succeed, change the rules as needed!

I’m sure all that read the paper remember last months County attempt to circumvent the Policy and Procedures process.

Remember where they had Legislators sign a Budget Mod, using an incorrect date and having a Legislator sign the Budget Mod for Public Safety committee that wasn’t on the Public Safety committee.

At that time, until this past Thursday signatures by committee members were part of the Policy and Procedures manual as stated by the County Administrator in an email to me.

County Administrator Phil Church wrote on June 23rd:

“The procedure is in your policy and procedures manual, PRP-2006-18 Transfer of Funds/Budget Modifications. The Policy requires committee signatures only in the case described in section 4B, which is obsolete and no longer used because committees cannot change a budget adopted by the full legislature on their own authority, I believe we’ve simply maintained committee signatures as a tradition over the years because there is space for them on the form, even though this section of policy is no longer appliable: 4 Level of Authorization B Legislative Committee, Department Head and county Treasurer Approval Required” 1. To transfer amounts over $10,000 within the same Object.”

Now after being caught in the Act, the Legislature decided to stop having anyone other than the Committee Chairman, department head and the Treasure sign all Budget Mods. This was their answer to the issue of being caught last month.

Now at the Governments and Courts committee meeting on Thursday I brought up the fact that they were changing the rules with out going through the proper channels to do so. They tried to push through the fact that the Policy was outdated, I said it may be, but you can’t change something without going through the proper procedure, we are a Democracy not a Dictatorship.

Go to YouTube type in Oswego County Legislature, go to the Government and Courts committee meeting of July 6thgo to min. 49 and watch the show.

Now I have no problem if they change things, but it must be done correctly.

They tried again to get another issue through,thinking nobody would notice it.

Here we go again, caught in the Act!!!

Minority Leader Castiglia missing or outdated ad config

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