Thank You For Supporting Blood Drive in Parish

On Saturday, January 25, the New Hope Presbyterian Church held its annual American Red Cross Blood Drive at the Parish Fire Station.

Despite the cold and the busy-ness of everyone’s lives, we welcomed fifty-nine willing donors.

The end results were fifty-five units of blood collected, which has the potential to save 165 lives.

That is amazing!

For the past eleven or twelve years of my many years of organizing blood drives for the New Hope Presbyterian Church, the first drive of the year has been in honor of (the past ten years in memory) of Kayley and Rayel, the Sabine twins.

I have been blessed to have the privilege, in a small way of keeping these girl’s memory alive.

To make this blood drive even more special, three-year-old Paulie Morley was honored this year.

His mother, Angela Schuyler, grew up in the church.

Paulie has recently been diagnosed with cancer and has already been receiving blood transfusions.

The people that  traveled from afar: their aunt, Lisa Sabine, came all the way from Homer with her companion, David Riehlman.

While his sister, Diane Seager, of Cortland joined in this tribute.

In behalf of the New Hope Presbyterian Church, I would like to express our thanks to the Parish Volunteer Firefighters for their generosity in providing their building.

To the twins’ mom, Lisa Sabine, for the delicious apple crisp that she lovingly prepares for the donors each year and volunteers her time at the drive.

A special thanks to the fifty-nine people that attended the blood drive.

Whether it was for Kayley, Rayel or Paulie, the apple crisp, the Dunkin Donuts coupon for a pound of coffee or just because you are a regular giver, you took the time to help others.

You are the real heroes-thank you!

An expression of true gratitude to the volunteers: Chels and Cas Cooper; Kelsie Wilson and Marissa Barber.

Where would I be without you?

For the past fifteen months, I have learned to adapt and come to terms with reality.

My October 1, 2012, life-changing bicycle incident forced me to slow down, I physically am unable to do what I once accomplished.

I now realize that I can longer volunteer all my time away.

It is time that I think about me and I like it.

I personally thank everyone for all of the many opportunities to serve others that I have been given over the past twenty or so years.

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