Being A Hero Is Easier Than You Think

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OSWEGO, NY – Giving blood is an easy, safe and quick way to become a hero!

The American Red Cross will be holding a blood drive at the new branch office location at 333 W. First St. on Friday, from 11:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Appointments are being made now, so call right away to make your appointment to become someone’s hero.

Each blood donation is divided into its components so that many people can benefit from just one donation.

Surgery patients need your red blood cells, cancer and bone marrow transplant patients need your platelets and burn or shock patients need your plasma.

You can be a hero – call now!

The American Red Cross provides over 48% of the nation’s blood supply and accomplishes that with only 5% of all eligible donors giving blood regularly.

Think of what it means to someone who is need of a blood transfusion and call now to make your appointment to be that someone’s hero.

Walk-ins will be taken on that day on a fit in basis.

Don’t take the chance that someone else will get your opportunity to become a hero – call 343-0967 now to make your appointment.

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