Certified EMT’S Needed By Harborfest; Paid Positions Available

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Harborfest has a need for certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT’s) to staff the festival, July 24-27.

Harborfest says there are openings for certified EMT’s for all shifts and all days during the three and a half day event. Compensation is $50 per-shift and the festival will provide a uniform “T” shirt for all Emergency Medical Technicians employed at Harborfest.

Applications for service as an EMT at Harborfest 2008 can be obtained in person at the Harborfest office located at 41 Lake Street in Oswego, or by contacting EMT Coordinator, Chris Stupp at 591-4624.

With the Route 104 Bridge closed for repair this summer, be sure to plan accordingly so that you don’t miss the events you want to see.  The Utica Street Bridge will be open as will the pedestrian walking bridge located just north of Utica Street.  Visit the Harborfest website at www.oswegoharborfest.com for the latest information regarding transportation options and performance schedules. More than 250,000 visitors are expected to attend Harborfest 2008.

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