

State Supreme Court Justice Norman Seiter Jr. administers the oath of office to Terry Wilbur, District 21. Holding the Bible is Wilbur’s grandfather, Leonard Malone. Legislator Wilbur represents residents of the village of Hannibal and portions of the town of Hannibal.

State Supreme Court Justice Norman Seiter Jr. administers the oath of office to Terry Wilbur, District 21. Holding the Bible is Wilbur’s grandfather, Leonard Malone. Legislator Wilbur represents residents of the village of Hannibal and portions of the town of Hannibal.

1 Comment

  1. I remember when Terry was a student at Hannibal High School; he was a student of mine. What a wonderful student and person. He excelled in everything he did. It is great to see him reaching his goals and becoming involved in local politics. Congratulations Terry!!
