City Councilor and Legislator Respond to Four Questions Regarding Nestle’s Properties and Building 30

Photo by Oswego County Today

FULTON — Oswego County Today reached out to all six City Councilors, but Mr. Cobb was the only one to respond. We asked Legislator Castiglia, and he responded, too.

Photo by Oswego County Today

Four Questions Regarding Building 30 and Nestle’s Properties

During the debate, the candidate, Mr. Rice, emphasized the need for a comprehensive study of the Nestlé properties, including building 30. This study would delve into traffic patterns, neighborhood impact, and neighborhood concerns, providing a thorough understanding of the potential effects.

1) What are your feelings about doing that at this point?

2) What would you like to see done with the Nestle’s properties zoned for future use? And are there still limitations to what can be done with the property from the contract with Aldi?

3) What do you envision for the future of the Nestlé properties, including building 30? What potential uses do you see for these spaces?

 4) How do you feel Micron setting up in the area of clay can have an impact on Fulton, New York


Mr Cobb, 4th ward Councilor, “I Believe the comprehensive plan needs to be followed. I’m concerned about the people that have lived in front of this area for a long time.”

“I would like to see this partial being used for a chain restaurant such as Texas Roadhouse or Olive Garden. They can’t have a big chain grocery store because of the contract with Aldi’s that being said we need a big chain grocery store back on the east side we need business and the parcel across the street wouldn’t effect us as bad as Nestles’ Building 30. It just doesn’t fit that partial as we have apartments throughout the city that aren’t being used the partial across the street would fit better in the neighborhood I believe Micron is a sales pitch for our area as route 31 as got it covered and Brewerton area where all the money is around that area they don’t won’t live in Fulton.”

Mr Castiglia answered, “Do I feel a comprehensive study should be done? Yes! It should have been done before any vote on rezoning was done! The area residents have been voicing their concerns for the past year or so. They have gone deaf ears. The only people listening to them are the Common Councilors from the east side of the City. There should be a traffic and pedestrian study done. Why pedestrians you may ask! The Nestle’ site for the most part is in a residential area, the way of life of the residents will be greatly impacted by any and all developments. Not just now but in the future.”

“ We all want the Nestle’ site developed but development that will bring in an increase of revenue not an increase in costs. I personally would like to see from S.5th street to S.7th street and from Fay St. to railroad tracts go back to R1 with single-family first-time home buyers. That would bring in property tax money helping the taxpayers pay for our city services.

In R1 you could do special use permits for some family friendly businesses. I know there are restrictions placed on the redevelopment of the site by a contract with Aldi’s, not knowing the restrictions I can’t comment on them and suggest what can be done.”

“Micron is coming! Micron is coming! Is all we keep hearing about! Do I or other business minded people think that the impact on Oswego county this far north is going to have an impact, it will be limited at best. There is too much developable land between Fulton and Clay. People have said that the possible people coming here from the Micron development will want a county setting and that is what Fulton offers. Well, if we fill the Nestle’ site with Affordable housing it will not be a country setting, it will be a over crowded apartment complex.”

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  1. Bulldoze building 30 under and sell land to oswego health for more parking.

  2. I think the author needs to proof read the comments from the City council member. It’s almost unreadable. Partial is not PARCEL.

    Of course Micron is going to affect the whole area. INCLUDING all of Oswego Co. 10000 people? Not all are going to want to live right next to where they work. Not everyone who lives in Oswego Co or Fulton work here. Just like not everyone who worked at Nestle or Miller or the Ethanol plant lived in the immediate area.

  3. Micron employees are not moving to Fulton! No realtor in their right mind would bring a buyer here. Not if they want to make a sale. 47 per cent of all the homes in Fulton are already rentals and they come with a lot of problems for the neighbors and the Fulton police department. Adding sixty six more low cost rentals to building 30 just makes the problems worse. The Fulton Common council is drinking their own bath water and telling themselves that it tastes good!

  4. Yes do a feasibility study. Let’s think of Fultons needs. Then consider building affordable senior housing, a Planet Fitness, some short term executive housing, a homeless facility, a clean manufacturing building, and a Golden Corral restaurant.

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