Leaves Must Be Bagged And Not Piled To The Street

Photo from Councilor Audey Avery

FULTON – From Councilor Audrey Avery’s Facebook page. Avery says, “I am again stressing the importance of following the yard waste policy. LEAVES MUST BE BAGGED AND NOT PILED TO THE STREET!! I have fielded numerous complaints this year regarding this issue, if we all followed procedures this would be a smooth undertaking. Realizing those who do trash, recycling, snow plowing, water main breaks, patching potholes, tree trimmings, etc. Are the same employees that remove yard waste. The City tries very hard to remove the lawn waste as soon as possible, but with other priorities, sometimes we fall behind. YARD WASTE ISNT A LINE ITEM IN OUR TAXES, IT IS A SERVICE THE MUNICIPALITY PROVIDES TO THE RESIDENTS.

I understand we are frustrated that they have been behind but please try to be considerate of the tasks with our limited staffing are given to perform! Thank you for your understanding in this matter!! Just think of the herculean tasks of picking up an entire city of lawn waste and leaves!!”

Grass, brush, leaves, seedlings, branches small enough to be raked up shall meet the following requirements:

  • The items must be placed into either brown paper bags, or metal or plastic containers, and shall not be placed in the street and shall not obstruct sidewalks. Plastic bags are allowed but we strongly discourage the use of plastic bags as it creates more waste for the City and additional expenses to dispose of. Please make every effort to utilize brown paper bags and metal or plastic containers.
  • There is no weekly limit on the number of either brown paper bags, metal or plastic containers, or plastic bags placed to the curb
  • Residents could also consider mulching leaves with lawn mowers to serve as fertilizer for quick disposal

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