Oswego County Announces West Fifth Street Road Is Now County Route 25

WEST FIFTH STREET ROAD RENAMED COUNTY ROUTE 25 – Oswego County has acquired West Fifth Street Road in the towns of Oswego, Minetto and Granby for the purpose of extending County Route 25 from its intersection at Furniss Station Road to County Route 85. Photo from Oswego County.

OSWEGO COUNTY – Oswego County announced that West Fifth Street Road in the towns of Oswego, Minetto and Granby has been transferred to the County and renamed County Route 25.

The former West Fifth Street Road ran south from the intersection of County Route 25 and Furniss Station Road in Oswego Town to County Route 85 in the town of Granby. The entire length of road from the end of the city of Oswego’s West Fifth Street to County Route 85 is now named County Route 25.

“The multiple names and duplicate house numbers on this stretch of road created confusion for emergency services, delivery agents, and the U.S. Postal Service,” Oswego County Legislator and Chairman of the Legislature’s Infrastructure, Facilities and Technology Committee Stephen M. Walpole said (District 14).

“Re-naming this section as County Route 25 will not create any changes in traffic patterns,” Legislator Marc Greco said, (District 25), who also lives on County Route 25. “It will simply help avoid address confusion in the future, and hopefully ensure faster emergency response times and deliveries.”

Oswego County is responsible for road maintenance on all of County Route 25. Any road issues, including downed trees or large branches, should be brought to the attention of the Oswego County Highway Department at 315-349-8331.

Residents on the newly re-named stretch of County Route 25 will keep the same house number, but change their street address from West Fifth Street Road to County Route 25. They should notify their banks, credit card companies, doctor’s offices and other entities to be sure they continue to receive their mail correctly.

Oswego County has notified law enforcement, fire response and EMS agencies of this change. Postmasters of the towns of Oswego and Minetto and the city of Fulton, along with service providers such as National Grid, Spectrum and Verizon are also being notified.

The County’s acquisition of West Fifth Street Road from the towns of Oswego, Minetto and Granby for the purpose of extending County Route 25 relates to Resolution Number 304 of 2021, under New York State Highway Law §118.

For more information, call the Oswego County Highway Department at 315-349-8331.


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