Mayor Barlow Proposes 2022 City Of Oswego Operating Budget With No Tax Increase

Mayor Billy Barlow. Photo courtesy of City of Oswego.

OSWEGO – Mayor Billy Barlow has proposed his 2022 city operating budget to the Oswego Common Council, his sixth budget as mayor.

Barlow’s $46,173,958 spending plan, for the fifth consecutive year, calls for no increases to any taxes or fees and does not use any of the general fund to balance the budget. To date, the Barlow administration has yet to use the general fund to balance a budget, has issued one tax decrease in 2019 and successfully lowered water and sewer bills for flat rate homeowners by $300.

The proposed executive budget allocated $4,701,287 for the Oswego Fire Department, $4,916,180 for the Oswego Police Department and $7,004,158 for the Oswego Department of Public Works.

Overall, the city budget consists of roughly 49% personnel costs, 24% contractual obligations, 15% obligated to fringe benefits and absorbs approximately $300,000 in previously agreed upon contractual raises.

Mayor Barlow’s FY2022 Budget Highlights

  • 5th consecutive budget with NO tax increase
  • NO use of fund balance/reserves to balance budget
  • $120,000 in funding for special law enforcement details including quality of life patrols, special investigations and drug enforcement
  • $100,000 in funding for water treatment plant and distribution upgrades
  • $60,000 for more special events and concerts
  • $300,000 in city-wide technology upgrades
  • 1 new street cleaner, 1 new snowplow for DPW

“My proposed budget is a responsible budget, properly prioritizing the needs of our citizens and community,” Barlow said. “Our return-on-investment driven strategy is transforming our city and this budget continues a level of investment that moves our community forward, protects our residents and makes Oswego a more attractive place to live and visit.”

The Oswego Common Council will debate on whether to accept the proposed budget or to amend it by resolution. Any amendments made by the Common Council by resolution to increase or decrease appropriations will affect the proposed tax rate.

The Council is expected to vote on the proposed budget during the Common Council meeting scheduled for Monday, September 13th following a mandatory public hearing.

The mayor’s budget is available in its entirety for review on the city’s website at

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