Thanks For Making Live Love Life Blood Drive A Success

Live Love Life: Individuals in the Oswego area again showed that they do subscribe to the true meaning of these three words. More than 100 individuals presented at the Oswego Elks blood drive in honor of Cooper Levine – and a whopping 80 pints of blood were successfully donated.

With each pint helping three people, there are 240 individuals who will be grateful in 2015 for these donations.

First in line for a huge thank you are those donors who not only gave their blood but also their time. Thank you for your patience in waiting your turn and for finding those important minutes to give the gift of life.

Many more helped to make this drive for the American Red Cross such a success for the second year.

From the Red Cross, the following were instrumental in the arrangements: Rob Wasiel, account manager, and Cara Leyna Noble, communications manager. Will and his more-than-able drive staff crew ushered individuals through the donation process with expertise and good humor.

The Oswego Shopper, Oswego County, CNY Central, and other area media were important in presenting information on the drive. A small army of posters on Facebook shared the call for donors, as did their friends. This new “town square” was an active part of the recruitment process.

Pizza Villa received rave reviews for their donation of pizza for hungry donors. Thank you Mark Gentile for expediting this gift.

Cookie elves Molly, Gail, Jackie, Trish, Al and Paul found time during the holiday season to whip up tasty treats to fortify the donors after donation. Empty cookie trays testify to their success.

Working behind the admissions and canteen tables was the crew of individuals who are proud to call themselves an extended part of Team Levine: Al’s Gals Cheryl Gardner, Gail Opanhoske, Carolyn Hurley and Francine Ponzi. They made the time fly by with good cheer and laughter.

We made many new friends as we talked to the drive donors.

Other Team Levine extended crew presented themselves as donors: I promise not to bring a donor clipboard to class again – for a while.

Especially, we thank the Levines: Al, Trish, and Cooper. They have taken an unpleasant life experience as an opportunity to teach others to Live and Love Life.

Your assistance with the drive was key in its success. missing or outdated ad config

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