Weatherup Discusses Quarantine, Isolation Guidance In Video Update

James Weatherup updates the public. Image from Oswego County Government's YouTube channel.

OSWEGO COUNTY – Oswego County Legislature Chairman James Weatherup today posted his bi-weekly video of updates for the community.

In today’s video, he discussed new guidance about quarantine and isolation, free transportation availability for COVID-19 vaccines and testing, and welcomed new legislators.

He recapped yesterday’s weekly release of COVID-19 numbers, including 2,157 new cases for January 3 through January 9, and there were 39 hospitalizations between January 2 and January 8. The age distribution of these 39 new patients is: 12.82% aged 0 to 18 years; 17.95% aged 19 to 45 years; 33.33% aged 46 to 64 years; and 35.90% aged 65 years and above. He also said there have been three more county resident deaths attributed to the virus.

Yesterday’s COVID-19 report can be read here.

“Nearly two years into this pandemic and it continues to be troubling to report losing our neighbors this way,” Weatherup said. “My condolences go out to the family and friends of these people.”

He said the county’s COVID-19 hotline has been receiving a number of questions regarding the duration of isolation and quarantine. The county has adopted the state’s recommendation of five days in most cases.

Isolation is when you are sick or have tested positive for the virus, even if you have no symptoms. Quarantine is when you have been exposed and may have been infected.

If you test positive for COVID-19, you need to isolate for five days from the day of your test or from the day your symptoms began. You must continue to wear a well-fitting mask for an additional five days.

Guidance also applies to those who have been exposed to the virus. If you are not fully vaccinated and are eligible for, but have not received your booster, you are required to quarantine for five full days and then another five days of wearing a face mask.

“The recent rise in cases has also led to a delay in contact tracing,” Weatherup said.

If you have tested positive for the virus or have been in close contact with someone who has and you have not been contacted by an investigator yet, see here for information on proper isolation and quarantine procedure.

Free transportation is available to residents to go to COVID-19 test and vaccination sites through a partnership between Oswego County and Oswego County Opportunities, Inc. Transportation is available Monday through Friday between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Call 315-598-1514 to schedule a ride in advance.

Weatherup then welcomed five new members to the Oswego County legislature: James Scanlon, District 16; Noelle Beckwith Salmonsen, District 2; Michael Solowy, District 23; Frank Castiglia, District 25; and Frank Bombardo, District 7.

He then discussed the winter season, which has hit Oswego County this week, and that now is the time to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors while the snow is kept here by cold temperatures. Several snowmobile trails are open, and the Oswego County Tourism office suggests calling one of the snowmobile clubs before heading out to the trails. This week’s tourism tip of the week is to visit for more information.

Lastly, he said if you are interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine, call the hotline at 315-349-3330 or contact your medical provider.

The transcript of the video can be read here.

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