Weatherup Highlights Camp Hollis In Biweekly Video Briefing

Oswego County Legislature Chairman James Weatherup briefs the public. Image from Oswego County Government's YouTube channel.

OSWEGO COUN TY – Oswego County Legislature Chairman James Weatherup updated the community today in his biweekly video briefing.

In today’s video, he highlighted the 75th anniversary of Camp Hollis’ summer camp program for Oswego County children and families.

Weatherup said the county has lost another member to the COVID-19 virus this past week. He offered his condolences to that person’s family and friends. Yesterday’s COVID-19 report can be found here.

“As a reminder, our work is not done. We must increase vaccinations,” Weatherup said. “As of today, 62.1% of Oswego County residents aged 18 and over has received at least one dose of the vaccines, and 57,137 residents has completed the vaccine series.”

There will be a county vaccine clinic tomorrow, June 30, at the Nick Sterio Public Health Clinic, 70 Bunner St., Oswego. The Pfizer vaccine will be administered to those aged 12 and over from 1 to 3 p.m. This is a two-dose vaccine and participants should plan to come back on Wednesday, July 21 for their second shot. Go to and click on the link “For Local Information About the COVID-19 Vaccination.”

“Eliminating this public health threat is how we get back to activities like Camp Hollis’ summer program, now celebrating its 75th year,” Weatherup said.

He said in 1946 the Oswego County’s Court Judge Eugene Sullivan wanted to provide Oswego County children without access to summer camps with that opportunity, and the first campers arrived on July 8 of that year. Since then, children have returned in the summers for activities such as swimming, camp songs, hiking and playing on the ball field.

Weatherup said Camp Hollis, which is operated by the Oswego City County Youth Bureau, is a priority for the County Legislature and the body works toward improvements of the facility.

This year, the camp is open for children aged 6 to 14 as a day camp. There is a fee, and scholarships are available through the Friends of Camp Hollis. At this time there are no openings for the summer day program, but parents can contact the Youth Bureau to be added to a wait list if a spot opens up. Call 315-349-3451 or email
[email protected].

He thanked the Youth Bureau, members of the 75th anniversary committee, and Friends of Camp Hollis for their commitment.

Weatherup also reminded residents to hydrate, keep cool, wear lightweight clothing, and avoid strenuous activities during high heat and humidity days.

“Our local beaches are a great place to keep cool and celebrate Independence Day,” Weatherup said.

A list of beaches in Oswego County can be found here.

Weatherup said all Oswego County buildings, including all transfer stations, will be closed on Monday, July 5.

Lastly, he said it is not too late to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The Oswego County COVID-19 Hotline is available to help people make appointments and answer any COVID-19-related questions. It is open 8:30 am. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 315-349-3330.

The Oswego County Office for the Aging can also help people aged 60 and over who need help navigating the internet to make appointments. Call 315-349-3484.

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