OSWEGO COUNTY – According to the Oswego County Health Department, as of 1 p.m., there have been a total of 531 additional cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and three more county residents have died this past week.
“We are also sad to report that we lost three more residents to COVID-19 this past week,” said Oswego County Public Health Director Jiancheng Huang. “Every death is an unfortunate set-back in our efforts to fight this virus and something we never want to see. Our condolences go out to the families and friends of these patients.”
Huang said that weekly new case counts remain high in Oswego County.
“Over the past several weeks, on average, about one-third of new cases are school-related,” Huang said. “There are many micro-clusters in many families in the community. Since the pandemic started, more than 12,000 positive cases have been reported. This means about 10% of our residents have been infected with the COVID virus.”
Huang said the number fully vaccinated residents continues to increase slowly. Currently 55.4% of Oswego County residents have been vaccinated.
“With high natural infection and an increasingly fully-vaccinated share of the population, the remaining one-third of county residents are at an increased risk of contracting the virus,” Huang said. “I encourage vaccine eligible residents to get fully vaccinated to protect themselves and those who are not eligible for the vaccines. Working together, we can make this community safer and healthier.”
COVID-19 vaccines are widely available through the County Health Department, at area pharmacies and community health care clinics, and through local physicians and health care providers.
The Oswego County Health Department hosts COVID-19 vaccine clinics from 1 to 5:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Nick Sterio Public Health Clinic, 70 Bunner St., Oswego.
The Health Department’s COVID-19 vaccine clinics are open to anyone who is eligible for the vaccine. Patients may receive their first, second or third dose of vaccine or the Pfizer (Comirnaty) booster. Currently there is no Moderna booster available. Those eligible for the Pfizer booster must register in advance.
On Wednesday, Oct. 20, health department staff will administer the patient’s choice of the Pfizer and Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine between 1 and 5:30 p.m., and the Moderna vaccine between 5 and 5:30 p.m. only.
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are both two-dose vaccines and the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a one-dose vaccine. The Pfizer vaccine is approved for those aged 12 years and over. The Moderna and Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccines are approved for those aged 18 years and over.
Although walk-ins are welcome, online pre-registration is encouraged and appreciated for the clinic’s efficiency. People can pre-register online at https://health.oswegocounty.com/information/2019_novel_coronavirus/covid-19_vaccine.php or by calling the COVID-19 Hotline at 315-349-3330.
The CDC recommends that certain groups of people get the Pfizer booster six months from their last dose of Pfizer. They include:
- Those who are 65 years old and over.
- People who are 18 years old and over and live in a long-term care setting such as a nursing home.
- Those who are 50 to 64 years old with certain underlying medical conditions (HIV, active cancer, COPD, asthma, chronic kidney disease, sickle cell, obesity, heart disease, chronic liver disease, immune deficiency, diabetes, or history of solid organ transplant or STEM cell transplant etc.).
The CDC further states that the following groups may choose to get the Pfizer booster if they have already received the Pfizer vaccine:
- Those who are 18 to 49 years old with certain underlying medical conditions mentioned above.
- Those who are 18 to 64 years old and work in a setting that puts them at high risk of COVID-19 exposure. This includes first responders such as police, firefighters and health care workers, as well as those who work in grocery stores, food and agricultural sites, education and daycare facilities, manufacturing and public transit places, correctional facilities and the US Postal Service.
Today’s statistics are below:
Oswego County: (as of 3 p.m.)
- Oswego County’s seven-day positivity rate : 8.3% (October 11: 8.2%)
- Total # of active cases: 647 (October 11: 601)
- Total # of positive cases: 12,187 (October 11: 11,656)
- Total # of recoveries: 11,437 (October 11: 10,955)
- Total # tests: 296,690 (October 11: 290,364)
- Total # of negative results: 280,719 (October 11: 275,114)
- Total # of people in mandatory isolation/quarantine: 1,558 (October 11: 1,999)
- Total # of deaths: 112 (October 11: 109)
- Numbers of those vaccinated can be found here.
Municipalities With Cases: Map updated today.
11-25 confirmed cases: Boylston
51-75 confirmed cases: Amboy, Redfield
76-100 confirmed cases: Orwell, Williamstown
101-150 confirmed cases: Minetto
201-250 confirmed cases: Albion, Parish
251-300 confirmed cases: New Haven
301-350 confirmed cases: Sandy Creek
351-400 confirmed cases: Palermo, West Monroe
Over 400 confirmed cases: City of Fulton, City of Oswego, Constantia, Granby, Hannibal, Hastings, Mexico, Oswego Town, Richland, Schroeppel, Scriba, Volney
SUNY Oswego Statistics: (as of today) Note – the college has stopped releasing information on its site, and instead statistics are available on the SUNY-wide COVID-19 Tracker.
Oswego County School Districts: Look for your school district’s COVID-19 report card here. It shows if there are any positive cases within the school district, for students and staff.
Oswego County Nursing Home Deaths: (as of October 16, no change)
- Nursing home deaths related to COVID-19 :
- At nursing home – 49 (no change)
- Outside nursing home – 7 (no change)
- Assisted living facility deaths related to COVID-19:
- At assisted living facility – 0 (no change)
- Outside assisted living facility – 0 (no change)
- Other adult care facility deaths released to COVID-19:
- At adult care facility: 0 (no change)
- Outside adult care facility: 1 (no change)
New York: (as of yesterday)
- Total # of positive cases: 2,488,114 (October 11: 2,457,531)
- Total # of deaths: 45,137 (October 11: 44,902)
- The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only. Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC – 57,288 (October 11: 57,047). This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings.
Other updates from the state can be found here.
U.S.: (as of 1:21 p.m.)
- Total # of positive cases: 44,977,929 (October 11: 44,396,097)
- Total # of deaths: 724,976 (October 11: 713,706)
- Total # of vaccine doses administered: 406,619,414 (October 11: 400,380,316)
Worldwide: (as of 1:21 p.m.)
- Total # of positive cases: 240,957,825 (October 11: 238,122,772)
- Total # of deaths: 4,902,519 (October 11: 4,855,528)
COVID-19 Information:
- Oswego County COVID-19 Hotline: 315-349-3330
- Potential COVID-19 Exposure Sites In Oswego County
- Oswego County YouTube Updates
- These videos are briefings given by Oswego County officials every other Tuesday.
- Fulton Coronavirus Hotline – 315-895-4767
Testing Information:
Free transportation is available to residents to go to COVID-19 test and vaccination sites through a partnership between Oswego County and Oswego County Opportunities, Inc. Transportation is available Monday through Saturday between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Call 315-598-1514 to schedule a ride in advance.
Vaccine Information:
- Am I Eligible?
- Oswego County Vaccine Clinics
- Hotline: 315-349-3383
- COVID-19 Vaccine Information
- COVID-19 Vaccine Fraud Hotline: 833-829-7226
- NY COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker Dashboard
- Kinney Drugs – Schedule an Appointment
- Wayne Drug
- New York Mental Health Hotline: 1-844-863-9314
- Oswego COVID-19 Mental Health and Crisis Hotline: 315-343-5507
- City of Oswego Emergency Assistance
- Oswego County Health Department
- Oswego County Health Department COVID-19 dashboard
- New York Department of Health
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Oswego County Office for the Aging – 315-349-3484
- CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker
Links For Statistics:
- Oswego County
- Oswego County Health Department
- SUNY Oswego Dashboard
- New York state
- New York Department of Health
- U.S.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Worldwide
- Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
Notes: The total number of positive cases in Oswego County is cumulative since March 2020 and the number of recoveries and deaths are of those numbers. SUNY Oswego cases are included in the county numbers, however, the county tracks only those living in Oswego County. That means that students who chose to leave and go back to their home county and test positive there will be included on the college’s dashboard, but not the county’s. Their positive result would be reported to their home county, not here.
The first two cases in Oswego County were confirmed March 22, 2020.
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How many of these new cases are vaccinated??