David G. Yeatts: What Are Fulton City Employees Doing For The Months Of July And August?

To the Editor,

Residents were notified that yard waste will not be picked up for the months of July and August. Are we going to get some road or sidewalk repairs? What is the reason that service is being suspended? Are we getting a rebate for those two months on our next quarterly water and trash bill?

What a deal we’re getting by doing the cities job for those two months and the city isn’t going to charge us when we bring it to them.

-David G. Yeatts

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  1. Regarding no July and August I want the city to reconsider and resume pick up of yard wast, or reduce the amount we pay to reflect no service 8n July And August. I personally need to trim brush…badly . I couldn’t do it earlier in the growing season. Now I can but I have no way to haul it to the DPW to drop off. I cannot afford a landscape co to trim and haul it away for me. Any suggestions?

  2. Why a refund where does it say you pay for yard waste removal anyway it is a FREE service the city provides some city’s only pick up 2 times a year spring and fall what would you do then just wondering

  3. If the mayor wasn’t spending 70 to 75 % of the city budget on police and fire, she might have some money to do something for the residents, like pick up yard waste.

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