Tuesday Briefing: Taxes — Buy One, Get One Free

Nothing’s surer than death and taxes — so goes the old saying. But death FROM taxes? If that’s the case, you must be living in New York, where every day is tax day.

A commission just studied the whole property tax issue and has issued its report.

The Commission on Property Tax Relief defines “relief” as a cap on yearly increases of 4%.

The state’s biggest teachers’ union calls it an attempt to damage the unions.

You can call it “dead on arrival”.

Even so, Gov. Paterson supports a tax cap. Any guesses how far he gets with it?


We’re number one! We’re number one! It’ll drive some to quit, others to cheat.

Rising gas prices are no fun at the track.

And ain’t this just perfect: Some of the state’s property tax rebate checks are going to people who haven’t paid their property taxes.

Now, your daily recommended dose of sleaze:

One State Senator has stopped a bill that would let cities install intersection cameras to curb aggressive driving. He’s changed his mind, but only if you buy your camera system from his ex-staffer’s company.

Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s investigation of double-dipping in state pensions should return to the public square today.

And the Eliot Spitzer sex scandal returns to court today, with a guilty plea.

Odd ends:

About $350K is headed to Oswego County to help put kids to work for the summer.

And here’s a high school yearbook to remember.

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1 Comment

  1. How typical of the teachers union to oppose a tax cap – relief for the overtaxes families and homeowners of NY. I think a tax cap is a great idea. With such budgetary limitations, school boards will very quickly realize where they need to start cutting the fat which is teachers salaries. In order to comply with the tax cap, the school districts (especially Oswego) will not be able to give exorbitant raises to the teachers unions like the 22% that was awarded to OCTA this past November. Teachers unions statewide would no longer be able to pursue a greedy agenda, an agenda which currently financially cripples all hardworking taxpayers. And an agenda which does not benefit one single student in the state. From what I see from NYSUT and OCTA, they care more about the money in the pocket than educating the children.

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