Tuesday’s Briefing: The New New Math

Since when does getting about one-third of the questions right on a test constitute a passing grade? When it’s the State of New York’s Regents Algebra exam, that’s when.

“Guess what, Mom! I got 30 out of 87 right on the Regents Algebra test and I passed!”

But how many members of the Class of 2007 actually graduated? The state Education Department’s supposed to keep track of this stuff, and it doesn’t know.


Apropos Of Not Very Much:

And In Sports:

Did we miss anything? Drop it in the comments.

[It goes without saying that this daily roundup of news links is neither straight news nor commentary — just a skewed take on the day’s interesting stuff from around the state. In fact, it goes without saying so much, that we just had to say it again.]

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