Best Christmas 2018

Best Christmas 2018

The cast members are: back row – Brad and Gina Wentworth, Sydney Osbourne, Alexa Bell, Mackenzie Mulcahey, Layne Osbourn, Middle row – Gabe Taylor, Amelia Wentworth, Grace Syrell, Ella Woolworth, Lena Williams, Trevor Griffiths, Abigail Smith, Caylyn Salmonson, Cameron D’Angelo. Front row – Nolan Verberg, Elsie Verberg, Althea Sawyer, Ellie Laird, Ethan Moshe,r, Max Clarke, Odin Mosher, Olive Mosher, Gianna D’Angelo, Arianna Lee Jones, Leo Jones, Nina King, and Ethan D’Angelo.

The cast members are: back row – Brad and Gina Wentworth, Sydney Osbourne, Alexa Bell, Mackenzie Mulcahey, Layne Osbourn, Middle row – Gabe Taylor, Amelia Wentworth, Grace Syrell, Ella Woolworth, Lena Williams, Trevor Griffiths, Abigail Smith, Caylyn Salmonson, Cameron D’Angelo. Front row – Nolan Verberg, Elsie Verberg, Althea Sawyer, Ellie Laird, Ethan Moshe,r, Max Clarke, Odin Mosher, Olive Mosher, Gianna D’Angelo, Arianna Lee Jones, Leo Jones, Nina King, and Ethan D’Angelo.