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Oswego Daily News

Oswego Middle School Student Continues Mission to help Homeless

Emily Bradshaw (center), a student at Oswego Middle School delivers some of 540 personal care bags that she has made to OCO Homeless Services for distribution to people in need. Bradshaw, who is currently lobbying for the establishment of a homeless shelter in Oswego County, is collecting personal care items for distribution to homeless people in Oswego County. Pictured with Emily are Sabine Ingerson (left), director of ARISE of Oswego County and Sarah Irland, deputy executive director of Oswego County Opportunities (OCO).While homelessness in Oswego County is not always recognizable, it does exist. A one-day study on January 25 of this year, conducted by the County of Oswego Advocates Challenging Homelessness (COACH), indicates that on any day in Oswego county more than 85 county residents have no place to call home and more than 30 more are on the brink of homelessness.


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Oswego Daily News

Oswego Council Approves 2013 Spending Plan

As of Jan. 1, 2013, the mayor’s proposed spending plan will become the official city budget for the new year. Councilors voted 7-0 Monday night to approve Mayor Tom Gillen’s budget. Some amendments were passed that juggled some funds around, but it is still roughly the same dollar amount as the mayor originally proposed.
