Fulton Gets New 2nd Ward Council Appointment

FULTON – On Friday, December 27, 2024, at 9am, Rhonda Campolieta was sworn in as the 2nd ward councilor by the honorable Judge James Nicholson.  The appt. is from Mayor James Rice of the City of Fulton, to fill the unexpired term of former Councilor Doug Chapman, who resigned on Dec. 10th.

Mayor Rice states, “The people of the 2nd ward deserve a representative.  I had no intentions of leaving this position vacant.  I think this is a perfect appointment.  The constituents of second ward will be able to choose in the upcoming November election from a pool of candidates that may seek the position.     Rhonda will fill Councilor Doug Chapman’s vacated position until the remainder of the term which ends Dec 31, 2025.

Rhonda appears to be eager to become engaged and get started and make sure the residents of the 2nd ward are served in a way that their voices will be heard.

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