OHS Graduation To Be Held In Campus Center Arena

OCSD News Graphic. Image provided by CiTi.

OSWEGO – Due to the weather forecast for Saturday, the Oswego High School commencement ceremony will now be held indoors, beginning at 10 a.m. in the SUNY Oswego Campus Center Arena.

While the original plan called for the ceremony to be held outdoors at the new athletic stadium, district officials wanted to ensure that the commencement went off without weather delays or postponements. The change in venue allows the district to hold one indoor ceremony and to have all of its graduates together as one class, with no limitations on the number of guests allowed per student.

“We are thrilled to have such a tremendous partnership with SUNY Oswego that enables us to hold a ceremony on their beautiful campus,” said OCSD Superintendent Dr. Mathis Calvin III. “It will be wonderful to have all of our graduating senior together, with their family and friends, in this indoor venue.”

Calvin noted that since the event will be held indoors, State University of New York and Department of Health guidance require that masks be worn by all attendees. Masks will be available at the door to anyone who has forgotten theirs or does not have one.

“We are so thankful that the whole community has come together to make this happen,” Calvin said. “This community is Buc strong, and we can’t wait to see everyone Saturday at the 156th commencement ceremony.”

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