Monday Briefing: Tax Cap Passes, But Will It Survive?

So the Senate on Friday approved a cap on your school property taxes.  The Governor wants it badly.

Problem is:  Assembly Democrats — and their union backers — don’t want it.

In fact, the unions may withhold endorsements of Senators who voted yes.

But polls show that taxpayers do want it, and that’s got Assembly leader Shelly Silver in a tight bind.

The Senate and Assembly come back to town in a couple of weeks for a special session.  There’ll be negotiations behind the scenes, but no action till then.

Incidentally, and perhaps not at all coincidentally, someone keeps beating the drum about the amount of money Paterson is spending to run the Governor’s office.


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  1. Once again we near a very important election. What will the outcome be? I was born and raised in Fulton, New York. I now live in Mabank, Texas. New York State is a GREAT state that illustrates liberals gone mad!! Once you leave New York State you slowly learn how much you were gettin ripped off by politicians, both Democrat and Republican. WE NEED STRONG CONSERVATIVE LEADERS ACROSS THE UNITED STATES. We need leaders who will stop all this crazy spending (isn’t it funny, most Americans love to spend money, even money they don’t have). Our government mirrors most American people with careless spending. We need leaders who will start cutting all these social programs — if you are healthly and you don’t want to work, YOU DON’T EAT (plain and simple). That includes all these “baby factories”, men donors included. We need to be strong and move our leaders to drill for oil, build refineries and nuclear plants IN THE UNITED STATES. Let the other folks play in their own sandboxes… I’m sick and tired of so-called leaders like Teddy (hick-up) Kennedy, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama (he’s off the left scale), Hillary Clinton, etc… Commonly known as the “good ol boy club”. They are liberals, they take from those who have and decide who those are that have not. American worker, HAS A POOR MAN EVER GAVE YOU A JOB? Taxing businesses only stops them from becoming bigger and hiring PEOPLE. Throw your emotions out of this and act on facts. ABC, NBC and CBS are nothing BUT liberal promoters, get your news somewhere else. WE now have the power to do our own research. God help us if we do not get back to the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. The Founding Fathers never meant for these so-called leaders to make a CAREER out of stealing and lying like so many now do. Step back and look at the State of New York. Fulton, New York used to be a booming little city — now the government promotes laziness. I remember when many of those big home were 1 family — I know, I grew up in one of them on Broadwell Ave.. We need to FIRE all these liberals and get people who can actually follow the Constitution. Examine candidates in EVERY race closely, ask questions, find out there character and where they stand on important issues. I’m not thrilled at all with McCain, but Sarah Palin is an oustanding lady. She doesn’t talk pro-life, she lives it. She doesn’t talk about cutting spending, she did it. She wants to go after the oil. She’s pro-marriage, man & woman only (I’ll be glad to debate that with any of you some other time). She went after and STOPPED corruption in Alaska (I know, she would have her hands full in Washington because MOST of them are a bunch of crooks). Here’s one thing New Yorkers hate — she is a life member of the NRA. I’ll bet she can shoot straight too! Most in leadership do not believe a law-abiding person should be able to carry a handgun. They know if they take them they can control us (just go to Hell and speak with Hitler — no punt intended). Let’s take America back, and NY too.

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