Frank Castiglia: Where’s The Money Going?

To the Editor,

Where is Fulton’s Rescue Plan money going to and how much?

Syracuse is going to find out where their Rescue Plan money is going to but not Fulton! People in Fulton more than likely didn’t know they were going to get any money! When I asked my Common councilor about it and where it was going to be used I was given the standard Ans. “The Feds are going to tell us where”

The big question is: Why hasn’t the Mayor announced the fact that we were going to get any money!

Now I know that the mayor has been given the guidelines for the use of this money. Almost two weeks ago. I also know that the mayor and her CDA Director attended a meeting with other municipalities and the county. In that meeting they were given an option to pool their money with the county to gain more use of their money.

When asked about this at the Tuesday June 8th Common Council meeting it was like talking to a stone wall.
I made mention of the fact that I knew about her meeting with the county along with her CDA Director, she looked a little surprised.

I said that I hoped that the city wasn’t going to fall for the Counties con game and give them our money.
I did mention; that I had a name of a contact person at Strategic Planning and Development that would be helpful in securing grants that could double or even triple our money. The mayor did ask for that information. I was surprised.

Now back to the fact that there has been no mention of this money.

In the Mayor Michaels’ Fulton first June press release she should have talked in depth about this but chose not to. Instead, she did an Infomercial about Oswego Health. Poor choice. Now Oswego Health is a Non-Profit that has taken over the old Michaud building. It was going to be on the tax rolls but not now. They don’t need free air time.

So again “Where’s the Money Going and how much?”

-Frank Castiglia Jr.

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