Fulton Daily News

Tim Conners Returns Home After “Intense” Summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

This afternoon at roughly 1:45, Tim Conners returned to his anxiously awaiting family after an adventurous two-week stretch in Africa. Conners, commonly referred to as Tim Possible, traveled the 7,556 miles from Fulton to the Kilimanjaro International Airport in Africa two weeks ago to begin his trek to the top of the highest point on the African continent as part of his MounTimPossible mission. On his twelfth day in Africa, Conners and his team partnered with K2 Adventures Foundation reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro at 18,885 feet after 53 hours of climbing over a nine day stretch.


Fulton Daily News

From Moving Mountains to Climbing Mountains, Fulton Native Seeks to Redefine ‘Possible’

The sudden onset of life-threatening cancer didn’t stop him. Losing his sight as a result didn’t stop him. The inevitable setbacks and hardships he faced through a challenging recovery still didn’t stop him. As it seems, nothing can stop Tim Conners from “redefining possible.” Surviving cancer was the first obstacle, but Conners’ story is much more than his fight for survival. In fact, that is where his story just begins, he said. MounTimPossible, this Fulton native’s ambitious plan to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro to the highest point on the African continent will simultaneously raise money for four organizations that Conners feels saved his life.
