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Oswego Daily News

Schumer To Push Legislation Aimed At Preventing Another Erin Maxwell Case

Schumer’s plan would provide federal grants to social services agencies so they can hire enough caseworkers to handle suspected cases of abuse or neglect. Schumer’s press release notes, “Despite three reports of abuse referred to the Oswego Country Department of Social Services and their knowledge of the deplorable living conditions, no effort was made to remove Erin from her home or adequately monitor her situation.” […]

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Schumer: Give Each Newborn $500 For College

<br />U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

If U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer gets his way, every child born in America will start life with a savings account, and a first deposit from the federal government.

“It’s a way to encourage people to save,” Schumer said in his weekly conference call with reporters. “It leaves people with a nest egg.” […]