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United Way ‘Stone Soup’ Luncheon to aid Local Food Pantries

The United Way will host its annual Stone Soup Luncheon on November 15 at St. Joseph’s Parish Center. Community members are invited to come together to enjoy a luncheon that will aid local food pantries. Food pantries throughout Oswego County are finding it hard to keep their shelves filled and this holiday season will prove to be especially challenging as they struggle to meet the increased demand for food subsidy in Oswego County.


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Fulton Daily News

Fulton HS Play, “Laramie Project”, Takes a Hard Look at Hate

Brad Crofoot and Mikaela Houck, cast members of "The Laramie Project".“The Laramie Project” takes a straight-on look at the aftereffects of a real hate crime — the torture and murder of a gay young man in Laramie, Wyoming.  It’s a bold choice for a high school play and contributing writer Janel Sullivan finds that the young cast is up for the challenge of showing how a community tries to find love in the ashes of hate.


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Standing Up For Our Seniors

From sitting down with seniors for coffee at Meadowview Apartments in Central Square, to talking with veterans at an annual ham dinner in Dexter, I’ve been spending a lot of time listening to the concerns of the older residents living in our region.
