1. Did Bill Lynch ever research the fact that the “Red Raider” used to be painted on the floor in the middle of the gym floor? No disrespect is meant to native Americans. It is a tradition, not as Lynch is now trying to say, made up by print shops. Give me a break. I graduated in 1970, look in the yearbooks, it was painted on the floor. Also in the fall we elected “Chief Red Raider”, along with homecoming queen. Your statements are false Lynch. Now, go back and really do your research. Just becausae you said it, doesn’t mean it’s the truth.

  2. If one goes back and reads the 1966 high school yearbook, “The Fultonian”, you will find some beautiful pen and ink drawings of Native Americans (drawn by Linda Payne, if my memory serves me) and some very respectful and proud comments about the folks who lived on the shores of Lake Neatahwanta long before the current high school was built. Over the years, farmers in the area around the lake have unearthed arrow heads and other archeological artifacts that lend much credence to the fact that the area was peacefully occupied by these indigenous peoples long before we arrived.

    I would like to know what the offspring of these peoples feel about the use of the “Red Raiders” moniker and related logo. Perhaps there is an archaeology and/or sociology class at SUNY Oswego that could undertake such a project for a class assignment.

    Surely, making decisions based solely on emotions is unlikely to lead to a long and permanent settlement of this issue.
    Rusty Okoniewski
    Orlando, FL

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