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Oswego Daily News

Report: Deadly Richland Fire’s Cause May Never Be Known

A year ago, fire destroyed a home on County Route 48 in Richland, killing eight of the nine people in the home.  Four were children.

News10Now’s Andy Mattison followed up and found that fire officials cannot determine what caused the fire:

“We can get the fire basically to the area of origin, which would be the wood stove at the south end of the structure. Exactly what happened near the wood stove, we’ll probably never know,” said Oswego County Fire Coordinator John Hinds.

The investigation into the fire is closed, Mattison reports. […]

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Half-Shire Historical Society

Despite high gas prices it is still a bargain to take a country drive and explore our region on a sunny fall day. The autumn colors across the Tug hill/eastern Lake Ontario landscape are now approaching their most brilliant.       This writer looks forward to just such a day next week, to travel around and wander some of the cemeteries from Barnes Corners to Florence, Glenfield to Redfield. […]