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Oswego Daily News

Oswego Salutes Its Fallen Heroes

Memorial Day 2010“This day is in memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice, laying down their lives so you and I and our families have the opportunity to enjoy the freedoms that we have today,” said George Hoffman, the master of ceremonies. […]

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Arts and Entertainment

Dan Duggan and Peggy Lynn, Virgil the Magician Featured at Sterling Nature Center’s Inspiration

It was nearly twelve-years ago that naturalist and then-director John Weeks conceived the concept of an Inspiration Festival at the Sterling Nature Center, celebrating the connection between art and nature. On Sunday, June 6, Weeks will be back to help celebrate the 12th annual Inspiration 2010: Festival of Arts and Nature from noon to 4:30 p.m. at the center’s Jensvold Road facility. […]